09 jul

Smart Cities, Smart Europe: Putting Our Energy into Innovation and Sustainability

Wednesday 9th July 2014 in Brussels

Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie

10:00am — 4:30pm

This special international symposium will assess the challenges that lie ahead in creating smarter cities and moving towards improved and sustainable public services for citizens. The symposium will explore the need for flexible partnerships between public and private sectors as well as diverse industries such as telecommunication, energy providers, manufacturers, and suppliers to ensure improvements in mobility, energy consumption, governance and social cohesion in European cities.

This event will be chaired by a team member of CLINES (Geert Adriaens, from DSP Valley), who will also give a keynote

introductory speech.”


09:15     Registration and Morning Refreshments

10:00     Chair's Welcome and Opening Remarks

10:10     Defining and Mapping Smart Cities – Main Progress and Challenges

  • Identifying the Characteristics of a Smart City
  • Finding a Common Working Definition for All Actors
  • Defining Clear Objectives for European Smart Cities - Smart Governance and Partnerships
  • Lessons Learnt from Previous Studies and Projects

10:40     First Round of Discussions

11:10     Morning Coffee Break

11:30     Promoting a Transversal Approach to Smart Cities

  • Integrating ICT Systems and Using Big Data
  • Social and Environmental Innovation as Key Drivers for the Smart Cities Programmes
  • Gathering Multiple Stakeholders at Local, Regional and European Level
  • Examples of Best Practice

12:00     Second Round of Discussions

12:30     Networking Lunch

13:30     EU Actions and Strategy on Smart Cities

  • Meeting Europe 20-20-20 Targets - Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
  • Discussing the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Objectives
  • Using EU Funds for Smart City Programmes
  • Successful Examples from the Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform

14:00     Third Round of Discussions

14:30     Afternoon Coffee Break

14:50     Innovations in Urban Development and Transports

  • Moving Towards a More Efficient Use and Consumption of Energy
  • The TIDE Approach - Encouraging Urban Transport and Innovation at the Local Level
  • Sustainable and Innovative Mobility Across Cities
  • Successful Examples of Implementation

15:20     Fourth Round of Discussions

15:50     Chair's Summary and Closing Remarks

16:00     Networking Reception and Refreshments

16:30     Symposium Close

Who Should Attend?

  • - Small Business Federations
  • - Chambers of Commerce
  • - Social Funds
  • - Environmental Associations
  • - Local Authorities
  • - Organisational Development Professionals
  • - International and Regional Organisations
  • - National Ministries and Institutes
  • - Joint Committees on Environment
  • - Social Exclusion Officers
  • - Confederations of Independent Unions
  • - Local Area Trailblazers
  • - Regional Development and Natural Environment Specialists
  • - Local Authority
  • - GreenCity Teams
  • - Local Authority Waste and Recycling Professionals
  • - Local Authority Waterways Professionals
  • - Central Government Departments
  • - Sustainable Development Stakeholders
  • - Transport Leads
  • - Sustainable Tourism Professionals
  • - Directors and Heads of Parks and Public Spaces
  • - Environmental Services and Policy Professionals
  • - Environmental Services Sustainability Professionals
  • - Environmental Services Urban Design Professionals
  • - Environmental Planning and Design Officers
  • - Conservation Professionals
  • - Environmental Campaigns Professionals
  • - Environmental Enforcement Professionals
  • - Housing Authorities and Professionals
  • - Energy Leads
  • - Biodiversity Leads
  • - Renewable Energy Leads
  • - Energy Efficiency Professionals
  • - Green Education Professionals
  • - Schools and Education Stakeholders (including LEAs)
  • - Regeneration Professionals
  • - Pollution Professionals
  • - Private Sector Environmental Organisations
  • - Business Development Professionals
  • - Finance Leads
  • - Greening Retail Organisations
  • - Greening Industry Professionals
  • - Third Sector Organisations
  • - Academics and Researchers

Contact us

For more information about the Clines project, please contact the Technical Coordinator:

Arne Skou

Vice-Director, CISS

(+45) 9940 8851

You can also contact:

Charlotte Fonseca Holmene

Administrative project manager

(+45) 9940 7345